Local Producers
Hayters Hill Beef
Cattle with the best view in town
David Trevor-Jones is a fifth-generation farmer with a penchant for doing things naturally and traditionally.

Dave and his brother Hugh work the family property, 350 acres of stunning farmland on Hayters Hill overlooking Byron Bay. The property has been in Dave’s mother’s family for generations and the area takes its name from the Hayter family. While the property runs cattle, pigs and chickens, it’s the beef that we really love to use and Dave’s approach to caring for his animals and the land shows in the quality of the meat he produces.

With around 150 cows and their calves on the property, pasture management is something Dave carefully plans. The animals are rotated daily and the brothers have continued a practice their father started by regenerating large sections of the property to restore habitat and minimise soil erosion and degradation.

Dave runs Hereford Brahman cross cattle, naturally bred to have thicker skin more resistant to ticks and other parasites. They lead a stress- and chemical-free life, and with an on-farm butchery, Dave is able to carefully control the ageing and processing of carcasses. He produces all the cuts of beef you’d expect, but also makes other value-added products including a range of gluten and preservative-free sausages with his own spice blends and flavour combinations.

Quirks and curiosities

  • Hayters Hill Farm uses a natural insect repellent they make themselves for the cattle.  It uses tea tree, a local ingredient, but also neem which is a traditional ayuvedic oil.
  • What does a beef man throw on the BBQ? Dave’s favourite cut of beef is a sirloin steak. Classic!

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